Energetic Cleansing

The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
— Rumi

Energetic Cleansing

Energetic cleansing involves three separate healings: emotional cord-cutting, negative energy removal, and purification of light. These healings work together to remove all unwanted negative mental and/or emotional energies affecting the mind, body, and  energetic structure so you are free to create with clarity and more self awareness.


1) Emotional Cord Cutting

Energetic cords are energetic links which are created whenever we have an emotional response to a relationship, event, or situation, whether positive or negative. There is a consistent energy flow between you and the source from which it originated which means even though you may not be physically associated with these particular person(s), situations or places, your energy can still be drained and negative patterns from the past still play out in your actions, preventing true healing and progression.
It is important to note that not all cords are negative or unhealthy, such as with loved ones or children, so as you sever all cords during this process, you are free to reconnect with those who are significant to you.

2) Negative Energy Removal

When there is an exchange bewtween you and another which results in negative verbal comments or even negative energy being directed towards you, it has real and dire effects on the quality of your life. Such negativity can create energetic blockages and interferences, causing setbacks and struggle.

During this powerful process, the negative charge of energies around you is reversed, cleared and returned to its source, to be used in harmony with the light, allowing you to feel in control of your own life again.

3) Purification by Light

Purification by Light cleanses your aura from undesirable energy and debris in the form of unwanted thoughts and unprocessed emotions. This can create imbalances within our energy field and blockages which prevent its natural flow producing fatigue, depression, anxiety, and even illness if left unattended. The result is a heightened sense of lightness and clarity. Usually, it does not serve us well, as it can harbor the energies of unwanted thought forms and unprocessed emotions.
During the Purification of Light, we apply ancient techniques to create a surge of light into your aura to clear up any residues that you are carrying in your auric field, leaving you with a heightened sense of lightness, calm and feeling of being at peace.

 CA $150/session